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Mistat student connect pccs

mistat student connect pccs

The level of affordable housing contributions will be tested by economic viability analysis provided by the developer who will be responsible for all reasonable costs associated with its production. Provision of affordable housing will be primarily through Registered Providers.ģ.220 Detailed implementation will be through the use of planning briefs and site specific negotiations, taking account of needs evidence, and deliverability aspects. The principal opportunity will be at Weston Villages where this will make a significant contribution towards addressing the area with highest identified needs, although deliverability must take into account the employment-led approach and other requirements. How and where the policy will be deliveredģ.219 The main opportunity to deliver affordable housing numbers is through open market schemes delivering a proportion of affordable housing. This will be reviewed and amended to take account of affordable rented housing through the revised Affordable Housing SPD. The proposed tenure split between social rented and intermediate housing is based on the evidence contained in the Strategic Housing Market Assessment. Where appropriate the council will consider the introduction of market recovery mechanisms where viability is constrained by current market conditions. In all cases this will be subject to the viability testing of schemes. On-site affordable housing provision will be sought on all sites of 10 or more dwellings (0.3 ha), and for sites of 5-9 dwellings the council will seek to negotiate either on-site provision or an off-site contribution to meet local needs. Affordable housing should:ģ.216 PPS3 paragraph 29 makes it clear that local planning authorities need to undertake an informed assessment of the economic viability of any thresholds and proportions of affordable housing proposed, including their likely impact upon overall levels of housing delivery and the creation of mixed communities.ģ.217 Within North Somerset the Strategic Housing Market Assessment identified a significant shortfall of affordable housing in relation to needs.ģ.218 The Core Strategy seeks to set out a realistic and viable approach to the delivery of affordable housing and will retain the existing Replacement Local Plan target of 30% affordable housing as a benchmark against which schemes will be assessed.

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'Affordable housing includes social rented, affordable rented and intermediate housing, provided to specified eligible households whose needs are not met by the market. Backgroundģ.214 The national definition of affordable housing as set out in PPS3 Annex B:

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This policy contributes towards achieving the objectives of Planning Policy Statement 3: Housing. Guidance on the level of contribution expected from sites below the threshold will be set out elsewhere following viability assessment and reviewed on a regular basis. The policy refers to currently identified need. Local need is not fixed and changes over time and can vary between housing type, size and tenure. This benchmark is aimed at meeting local need. There is no upper limit to the potential affordable housing provision or contribution, but a benchmark of 30% will be sought as a starting point. The assessment will be made having regard to the residual land value once the cost of development has been deducted. This analysis will take into consideration existing use values, as well as other site specific factors. The capacity of a site to deliver a level of affordable housing that can be supported financially will be determined by individual site viability analysis. Only in exceptional circumstances where it can be robustly justified, off-site provision or a financial contribution in lieu of off-site provision (of equivalent value) may be acceptable where it contributes to the objective of creating mixed and balanced communities. The presumption is that to create mixed and balanced communities affordable housing will be provided on-site without the need for public subsidy. A local lettings approach will ensure that priority is given to local people. The precise size and type of affordable housing to be provided on individual sites will be determined through negotiation, guided by the Strategic Housing Market Assessment, data from the housing needs register, and local housing needs surveys.

Mistat student connect pccs